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Monday, March 22, 2010

The Real Deal (Part 1)

There have been plenty of happenings already in the Philippine political scene so far this year and more things are yet to come.

Philippine politics, particularly election season, can be described several ways. A few adjectives that spring to mind are: unpredictable, dramatic, cunning, deceitful and cut-throat. If presidential elections is considered a sport, it could probably be the most competitive one in the country. I mean, to Filipinos its like a political olympics every 6 years!

The last two decades however, have been nothing short of disappointing that is why this year's elections provide to be most crucial in determining the Philippine's future. People want change, people want to be uplifted, people want to be proud.

And only one can succeed as being the next leader of the Philippine Republic.

From the depths of my soul and my conscience, I believe that only Manny Villar can make THAT difference that everyone has been looking for.

He has my 10 things that I look for in a Leader/President:

10. Intellectual and Knowledgeable - Villar has come from a totally different walk of life to where he is at today. Through that journey of his, he has gained a certain amount of knowledge that allows him to really see the plight of the nation, which is poverty. Aside from having much knowledge, Villar has paired that with intellect through his educational background (Mapua, U.P.), which would give him an advantage of being a great leader.

9. Passion - There is no question how passionate Villar is in his service to the Filipino people. He said it himself, "If I just wanted to further prosper my wealth, I would've stayed in business." Imagine this, you own a multi-billion multinational real-estate/housing company (not to mention its subsidiary companies) and you already have an entire city on your back (Las Pinas), and still you would go knee-deep into government simply to help people and the country out of its misery??? I couldn't even fathom of getting into Philippine politics if I already have billions coming from business. That's passion right there.

8. Family Man - I am firm in my belief that the root of the community is family. In any country, state, village or tribe, the first community is always the immediate family. For Villar, his family is intact. He has a strong and thriving relationship with his wife, and the couple has brought up three children who exemplify Christian values, hard work, and humble living. If one can manage and prosper a family, that foundation can be transcended to ability to manage greater responsibility.

7. Motivation - Money. Is it really a good enough factor to motivate a person to claim the country's highest office? Probably. But what if one has already enough money to sustain 5 lifetimes? Villar has a net worth of around 9 billion dollars and what is he doing? Blowing his cash down the drain just to help a third world country ridden with debt and terrorism. Obviously, Villar's personal goal is to make the Philippines his newest corporation. That isn't a bad idea at all considering he has lead his own businesses and companies to new heights. Why, he is even dubbed as the 'brown taipan' from the evidence of his success. There is really no other explanation of Villar's desire to become president other than his wish to help the Filipinos in a greater sense as the country's CEO.

6. Hard-Working - Certainly nobody would want a leader who does not have a good working ethic, the same goes in choosing the next president. He should be the most hard-working person in all of the country because his responsibilities are unlimited everyday. Not a hint of laziness should be within the presidents persona because the job is hectic and tedious to the highest level.

... for the rest of the top 10, come back tom to catch it ;-)

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